Monday, December 11, 2006

Our living area

Our living area
Originally uploaded by huy05handsome.
Sycamore Drive, Wilder River Junction is a peaceful place to live. There are a lot of old people living here and raising dogs.

Hanover - a special place in America

We can easily find out in Hanover the local people make a lot of signs and stones and chairs to memorize those who contributed to their community. This is a good way to keep the special culture in this lovely town.


Originally uploaded by huy05handsome.
Did you see a small black spot in the center of this picture? It is a balloon. The weather is so nice on a Friday afternoon in the end of Fall.

Welcome to Tuck Vegas

Welcome to Tuck Vegas
Originally uploaded by huy05handsome.
Tuck Vegas is a social activity at Tuck School of Business where we can play cards like in Las Vegas casino. There are many kinds of gambling here and you do not need money to join in. Just practice and enjoy free drinks!

Molly bar- a usual place to drink in Hanover, NH

No Tuckies does not know Molly, Murphy and Canoe club. i can not drink the drink on the table without having dinner before.

Tuck schoolyard - the end of Fall

The leaves changes into red and fell down gradually. The winter will come soon.

The Big Fire in the Green in Hanover, NH

This is a traditional custom at Dartmouth College. More than 500 1st year undergraduate students will run around the Big Fire in about 45 minitues. It is a very hard job! Lts of seniors and juniors shouted "Worst class ever!".

Amos Tuck school - Founded in1900s

One of the best b-schools in the US with the excellent organization and human resources. This is the Tuck hall, main entrance of the school. Inside is lots of class rooms with various designs: oval, round, rectangular,...making you like study here. Tuck students are all proud of their schools' history and value. Tuck's alumni network is very good and considerably contribute to its well-organized career services.

A corner in White River Junction

White River Junction is a traditional and quiet area, but we can feel a beauty of natural scenes here. On the street rarely do you find out lots of people, but almost people you meet are very friendly and helpful.